HoCo girls lacrosse club

Girl’s lacrosse is that fastest growing sport in the United States and it’s all happening here in Howard County, Maryland. Find your team, shop spiritwear, contact us, and more!

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News! *

Cari Davis commits to Ohio State University!

Sabrina Eaton commits to Duke University!

Keely Lawler commits to Shenandoah University!

HoCo girls lacrosse coach announces 2032 Black Announces New Head Coach

Coach Amy Weinstein Flynn grew up in Fairfax, Virginia and attended W.T. Woodson High School, where she was inducted into the second-ever Athletic Hall of Fame class in 2014. She captained 4 different sports teams and earned a school-record 14 varsity letters in Lacrosse, Tennis, Track & Field, and Gymnastics. As a Senior, she led the W.T. Woodson Girls Lacrosse team to the first-ever Virginia High School League State Championship in the sport, earning 1st Team All-District, All-Region, Washington Post All-Met, and All-American honors along the way. She went on to play Division I lacrosse at the University of Pennsylvania, where she was a 4-year starter, senior captain, and selection to the US Lacrosse DI North/South Senior All-Star Team. She received a dual Masters in Business & Sports Administration from Ohio University, where she also served as a Graduate Assistant Coach for their (then) DI Women’s Lacrosse team.

She’s remained active in the sport both personally and professionally, having played for and coached numerous teams at many levels throughout the country (as well as Australia, Japan, and England), and most recently right here in Howard County at the rec level for HC Lax. She’s held sales and marketing roles for Major League Lacrosse, Millon Lacrosse, Inside Lacrosse, Octagon, and IMG, and is currently a National Account Executive for CertifiKID Holdings, LLC.

Amy and her husband Dan live in Columbia with their daughter, Hannah and son, Bennett.

HoCo Girls Lacrosse Club announces our new 2034 Black head Coach

Becky Groves is a graduate of Liberty HS where she was a three-sport athlete. She was Carroll County Athlete of the Year, High School All-American, All-Metro, All-County, and Liberty High School Female Athlete of the Year, and is a member of the Liberty High School and Carroll County Hall of Fames. She continued her lacrosse career at Towson University where she became Towson’s most decorated lacrosse player of all-time, while majoring in physical education. She was the Colonial Athletic Conference Rookie of the Year and the Tigers’ Female Rookie Athlete of the Year in 2003. She was honored as the 2005 and 2006 CAA Scholar-Athlete of the Year for women’s lacrosse. She was named 1st team All-CAA in 2004 and 2005 and 2nd team in 2003 and 2006. She was the 2005 Doc Minnegan Scholarship Award recipient, IWLCA All-American, Inside Lacrosse All-American, Towson’s Senior Female Athlete of the Year in 2006, and the TAF Scholar Athlete of the Year in 2006.  In 2010, Becky was named to the CAA’s prestigious Women’s Lacrosse 25th Anniversary Team. She is also a member of the Towson University Hall of Fame and Greater Baltimore Chapter of US Lacrosse Hall of Fame.

Becky is entering her 16th season at Century High School and the 13th as Head Coach. The lacrosse program has won 9 State Titles, 4 during her tenure as a head coach (2012, 2015, 2017, 2022) and 2 as an assistant (2009, 2010). She has received many coaching honors including VSN Lacrosse Coach of the Year, All-Metro Lacrosse and Volleyball Coach of the Year, US Lacrosse Coach of the Year, NFHS Lacrosse Coach of the Year, and Carroll County Lacrosse Coach of the Year. Becky has a son and daughter and coaches them in soccer and lacrosse.

HoCo GIrls Lacrosse Club announces Our 2033 team and Head Coach

Kelly Marriott is a graduate of Liberty HS where she was a three sport athlete.  She was a two year All County player, All-CMC, All-State, and Baltimore Player of the week at Liberty.  She continued her lacrosse career at UMBC where she is currently ranked third on UMBC's all-time scoring list in lacrosse with 189 points. She was a member of UMBC's Northeast Conference champion and NCAA Tournament team in 2003 and was named Northeast Conference Rookie of the Year that same season. Kelly received America East First Team honors and All-Championship team honors in 2004 and 2006 and was selected to the All-Academic Team and IWCLA Second Team as a senior. She also earned two letters in soccer and was the team's co-leader in assists (4), ranked second in points (10) and shots (23) and tied for third in goals (3) in 2004. Kelly was named UMBC's Outstanding Female Athlete in 2006 and inducted into the Hall of Fame at UMBC.  Kelly has two daughters and a son and coaches them in Soccer and Lacrosse.